
Colossians 1:13 – The Present Kingdom

Is the kingdom of Christ now in existence? Or is the promise of such awaiting the future? The apostle Paul clearly affirms that the kingdom exists now.
By Wayne Jackson | Christian Courier

No narration available

Those who subscribe to the theory of dispensational premillennialism contend that Jesus came to this earth twenty centuries ago with the express purpose of establishing His kingdom. But because he was surprisingly rejected by the Jews, He postponed the kingdom plan, and, in the place of the kingdom, He set up the church. There is, of course, no support in the Scriptures for this notion.

In the book of Colossians, Paul affirms that he and the brethren whom he addresses had been “translated” (note the past tense form of the verb) out of the power of darkness “into the kingdom of the Son of his love” (1:13), i.e., the kingdom of Christ. From the apostle’s vantage point, the kingdom was not a future (millennial) promise, but rather a present reality.

Compare with this John’s declaration that he was a “partaker” in the kingdom with the Christians of Asia Minor (Rev. 1:9). Underline “translated” in Colossians 1:13, and marginally note: Past tense; they were in the kingdom. Then, draw an arrow from kingdom to your margin and note: See Revelation 1:6, 9.