More Evolutionary Nonsense
Advocates of Darwinian evolution seem constantly to be eclipsing themselves in the absurdity of the arguments employed in defense of the baseless ideology. Below is an analysis of one of the most recent.
Did Paul Sanction Social Drinking?
Why did Paul instruct Timothy to use wine with his water. Does this sanction the social consumption of modern beverage alcohol?
Does Starlight Require Millions of Years to Reach the Earth?
Does starlight require millions of years to reach the earth?
The Anthropic Principle
This article discusses the so-called anthropic principle, i.e., the idea that earth’s environment was created for the sake of mankind.
What Are the Unicorns and Satyrs Mentioned in the Bible?
Bible critics have charged the sacred book with mistakes in that the King James Version mentions both “unicorns” and “satyrs” — both of which are mythical creatures. How does the student of the Scriptures respond to this alleged difficulty?
On January 31, 2000, we reported in an article titled Another Fossil Flub about the embarrassing admission National Geographic posted on their web site, January 24, 2000. Now, we learn there was more than just an accidental mix up.
Is Christ’s Coming Very, Very Soon?
An article, widely circulated in newspapers around the country a while back, announced that Jesus was coming “very, very soon.” Allegedly, “signs” in the Bible indicate such. In this week’s Question & Answer column, we respond to this baseless assertion.
The Value of the Old Testament for Today
Christians recognize that the New Testament Scriptures represent the body of sacred literature to which men are amenable today. But does that mean that we disregard the value of the Old Testament documents? Indeed not. These holy writings contribute to our spiritual well-being in a variety of ways. This week’s Penpoints explores some of these.
The Canon of Sacred Scripture
Who determined which books were to go into the Bible? Exactly when did that occur? What are the Apocryphal books? Wayne Jackson addresses these important questions.
Can Christians Speak in Tongues Today?
Is the gift of speaking in tongues still being given by the Holy Spirit?
Frauds in Science
There are many honest people working in the various fields of science, but it also is only fair to point out that there have been, and likely will continue to be, some real charlatans in the scientific community.
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt
One of the great scenes of Old Testament history is the exodus of Israel from Egyptian bondage. In this article, we wish to consider four aspects of this epochal event — the date of the exodus, the visitation of plagues upon Egypt, the passover, and the passage through the Red Sea.
The Nature of History
History is a record of the past. One would think that this is a perception of relative simplicity. It appears not to be; there are so many perversions of history. This article deals with a number of them.
What Is Faith in Christ?
What is faith? Is it merely trusting Jesus to save you? Or is action necessary for a believer to be pleasing to God?
The Art of Writing
Bible critics do all within their power to discredit the validity of the sacred text. Years ago, the claim was made that the Scriptures are in error in their claims that “writing” was common in the days of Moses. Those charges have long since vanished. Consider this brief study with us.
Alan Dershowitz, Jesus Christ, and Logic
Alan Dershowitz praised Jesus very highly as an enlightened Jewish rabbi, then added: “He’s just not my Messiah.”
The Devastating Effects of Divorce
The marriage principles found in the Bible have a purpose; they are designed for our benefit.
Was Christ Originally “Created” by God?
There are those who allege that Jesus Christ did not have an eternal existence; rather, they claim, he was originally created by God, the Father. One passage that supposedly supports this view is Revelation 3:14. But does it? Study this text with us.
Who Are the “Enemies of Truth”?
Richard Dawkins, a professor at Oxford University, declares that religion is the “enemy of truth.” Is this really the case? Or is it he and his philosophical companions who are the real enemies of truth?
False Ideas about God
While most people (according to polls) believe in “God,” many entertain a variety of false ideas relative to the Supreme Being. This article discusses some of these views.