Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.
When Love Grows Cold: A Profile of the Ephesian Church
This profile of the Ephesian church serves as an example for our learning.
Growing Doubts about the Resurrection of the Dead
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible, i.e., unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are appearing increasingly—even in today’s church.
What is the difference between Bible dispensations and the doctrine of dispensationalism?
Some preachers talk about the dispensations of the Bible. Then they condemn dispensationalism. What’s the difference?
1 John 2:1 – The Advocate
Christ is our attorney, pleading our case before the Father. What a thrilling concept!
The Baha’i Movement
One of the rapidly growing religious movements today is the Baha’i group. What is the Baha’i movement? Is it biblical? Is it a true religion?
The Doctrine of “Determinism” — What Is It?
“Determinism” is a popular dogma — both in the skeptical community and in the religious environment. It has no support in either logic or scripture. Study this topic with us.
The Indestructible Church of Christ
Some allege that the church of Christ, as established on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), has not existed in an unbroken line since that time. The allegation is false if the testimony of Scripture is dependable.
The Church that Drove Jesus Out
In his letter to the church in Laodicea recorded in the book of Revelation, the Lord expresses his disgust with their current condition. What could have elicited such a response?
What About Catholicism’s Ideas About Mary?
Why does the Catholic Church place such great emphasis upon Mary, the mother of Christ? Is this proper?
Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14?
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” teach that only 144, 000 people will gain heaven. They base their doctrine upon passages that are found in the book of Revelation (chapters 7 & 14). Who are the 144, 000 mentioned in these texts? Is the number literal or figurative? Study this article.
Harold Camping’s New Revelation: “Leave the Church!”
In 1992, Harold Camping, radio preacher out of Oakland, California, “prophesied” that history would end in 1994. It didn’t. Now, he is suggesting that the “great tribulation” is upon us, and all Christians should abandon the church. Read this review of the gentleman’s latest theory.
John Tetzel’s Indulgences
The practice of selling “indulgences” is a part of Catholicism’s sordid history. This week’s Penpoints deals with an amusing incident in the ministry of John Tetzel, one tragic character in this apostate movement.
The Gwen Shamblin Controversy
This article discusses the recent controversy concerning noted weight-loss expert, Gwen Shamblin.
The Church Is the Saved
According to the doctrine of dispensational premillennialism (a view endorsed by many today), the “church” was not a part of the divine plan of redemption initially. But that view is not consistent with divine revelation.
Woman’s Role in the Church
Does the Bible teach that there are different roles for men and women in the scheme of God’s plan for the church?
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
Original Sin and a Misapplied Passage
This essay addresses a verse commonly used in support of the false doctrine of original sin.
Jesus Christ: Church Inspector
Jesus noted both desirable and undesirable traits of the seven churches of Asia in the opening chapters of Revelation. His observations can be of supreme value today to those who desire to please Christ.
The Emerging Church Movement—The New Face of Heresy