Miscellaneous Questions
This week we answer several brief questions:     (1) Do Acts 9:7 and 22:9 contradict one another?
     (2) Did Moses err in classifying bats with birds?
     (3) How should Luke 23:43 be punctuated?
An Instructive Episode in the Ministry of Paul
Why did Paul, who was an apostle, go to Jerusalem in Acts 15 to settle a dispute in the early church.
Did Jesus Eat the Passover Supper?
Do the Gospel Accounts contradict themselves in the matter of whether Jesus ate the Passover Supper?
Larry King Hosts Pat Boone, Max Lucado, and Others
Pat Boone appeared on Larry King Live to ask for prayers and miracles on behalf of his grandson. Is his faith misdirected?
Progressively Aggressive “Gay” Movement, The
The so-called “Gay” movement in America is becoming increasingly aggressive. While Christians must exhibit kindness to all, moral principle cannot be compromised.
Did Jesus Violate the Sabbath?
A Christian writer/speaker, who travels extensively and lectures on “Does God Exist?,” has written that the Bible indicates that Jesus, on one occasion, “violated” the Old Testament Sabbath-day law. He has cited the Gospel of Mark 2:23-24. Would you comment on this?
Clergyman Attacks Bible — Is Ousted
Derek Stanesby was expelled from the pulpit where he often was invited to speak, because he attacked the Bible, denying that it is the “word of God.”
What About Alcoholics Anonymous?
What is your opinion of Christians who attend AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] meetings or treatment centers to stop drinking?
Logic and Stem Cell Research
Human embryos should not be created whimsically, nor should they be destroyed.
The Power of Speech for Good or Evil
Speech is a very special gift from our Creator. It is a fresh challenge each day to channel our words for good.
Was Mohammed a Prophet?
Was Mohammed another prophet of God? Is there any evidence that would support that claim?
Mohammed and His Religion
The Islamic system is growing rapidly in America, and Christians need to familiarize themselves with the history and basic teachings of this religion.
Foolish Reasons for Getting Married
Marriage is an “until-death-do-us-part” commitment. It ought to be approached from a joyous, yet cautiously-solemn, vantage point. Marriage should be embraced for wise reasons, not foolish ones.
How Should Church Business Be Conducted without Elders?
May women participate in decision-making roles if there are no qualified men to serve as elders?
Hank Hanegraaff and the “Christian Research Institute”
Over the years the folks at C.R.I. (Martin, Hanegraaff, et al.) have lustily pursued debate encounters with a host of cultists. They have engaged the heretical movements in verbal and written battles time and again, and begged for additional conflicts.
Was David Really a Man After God’s Heart?
How can God describe David as a man “after my own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) when he did all of those wicked things that are recorded in the Bible about him?
Psalm 22: A Brief Analysis
There is no better way to start your day than to meditate upon the thrilling grace of God as manifested at Calvary twenty centuries ago. It invigorates the soul and instills a level of gratitude to the Creator that is unrivaled by anything else.
What Does “Amen” Mean?
Occasionally, while the preacher is presenting a lesson, someone in the audience will say, “Amen.” Is this practice in keeping with the Bible? If so, what does “Amen” mean?
Principles of Interpretation: The “Expansion” Concept
The scope of a biblical verse may be expanded by supplementary information on the same subject in related passages. An understanding of this hermeneutical principle would prevent many an error.
The Baptist Church: An Historical Perspective
I grew up among kindly people of the Baptist affiliation. My father’s family was of this persuasion. A more gracious, benevolent group of folks could scarcely have been found. It was heartbreaking, therefore, to eventually discover that the church of my ancestry was unknown to the New Testament.