Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ
A comprehensive exposé of the Jehovah’s Witness denial of the deity of Jesus Christ.
Babylon: A Test Case in Prophecy—Part 2
Part two of a two-part series examining the ancient city of Babylon and its role in Bible prophecy
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
The Silence of the Scriptures: Permissive or Prohibitive?
Some allege that whatever is not expressly forbidden is allowed in religious practice. Others contend that anything not authorized is not permitted. Is there any validity to the argument from silence?
Who Is a Christian?
The appellation of “Christian” is widely used as a category of people. But who, in fact, is (and who is not) a Christian?
Are Contraception and Abortion Siamese Twins?
Are contraceptive methods of birth control equivalent to the practice of abortion?
Reflections on the Pope
Is the New Testament information regarding Peter consistent with the image of the pope? Do the Scriptures teach that the church of Jesus Christ was founded upon the apostle Peter?
The Parting of the Red Sea: Miracle or Natural Event?
Did Moses really part the Red Sea? Was this event a true miracle, a contrived myth, or a natural event?
Is Faith the Gift of Ephesians 2:8?
Based upon a misunderstanding of Ephesians 2:8, some argue that “faith” is a gift from God, and that it is not, therefore, a condition of salvation. This theory is the offspring of Calvinism. This week’s question explores this issue.
The Ostrich — Not as Dumb as Her Critics
Critics of the Bible often imagine they have found a flaw in the sacred text. Though they know it not, the flaw is with them. Such is the case in one criticism of comments made regarding the ostrich in the book of Job.
New Testament Baptism: In Water or the Spirit?
Are we baptized in the Spirit or in water?
Does God Change His Mind?
Some Bible passages affirm that God does not “change.” Other texts, however, appear to suggest that he does — especially in response to human activity. How does one reconcile these seeming discrepancies?
The Support of Gospel Preachers
Some preachers are pampered and unquestionably not worth what they make. On the other hand, there are others who simply are not treated fairly—consistent with the principle of the Golden Rule.
Evolution’s Useless-Organ Argument
A discussion of the so-called vestigial organs
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
When Infidelity Fashions Faith
A person’s faith should be fashioned by the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, many have allowed their beliefs to be forged in the furnace of unbelief. Many do not realize how much liberalism has shaped their approach to the Bible.
What Are Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation?
What is the difference between the doctrines of “transubstantiation” and “consubstantiation”?
Adam Clarke & Albert Barnes: Scholars from the Past
Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes were famous Bible commentators of a by-gone era. This “human interest” piece discusses some little-known facts about these distinguished gentlemen.
What About the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:21?
Do the signs of Matthew 24:3ff pertain to the impending destruction of Jerusalem, or do they depict conditions near the end of time? Some allege that Matthew 24:21 prohibits an interpretation that focuses upon Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70. Wayne Jackson responds to this objection.
What Is Rastafarianism? Who Was Bob Marley?
What is the religion called Rastafarianism? How was Jamaican entertainer Bob Marley connected with this movement?