John 4:7 — Christ’s Love and Tradition
In the course of Jesus’ exchange with the woman at the well, Jesus actually violated three cultural traditions of His day. In so doing, however, the Lord demonstrated the encompassing interest of Heaven in lost humanity.
1 Timothy 4:14 – Timothy’s Gift and the Elders
Exactly how did Timothy receive spiritual gifts? Study this misunderstood passage with us.
What About Daniel’s Prophecy of the General Resurrection?
Did the prophet Daniel foretell the general resurrection of the dead at the end of time (12:2), or was this a mere figure of speech pertaining to some local event?
Gog and Magog — What Is the Meaning of Revelation 20:8?
Who is this “Gog and Magog” that threatens God’s people in Revelation 20:8?
Christianity Today Editor Just Doesn’t Understand
An associate editor of has severely criticized the teaching methods of Jesus. In doing so, he has reflected upon himself far more than he has the Lord.
Proverbs 6:17 – Hands that Shed Innocent Blood
This proverb has a modern-day application to the practice of abortion.
Malachi 1:2,3 – Jacob Loved, Esau Hated
The book of Malachi states that Jacob was “loved” by God, yet his brother Esau was “hated.” This week’s Margin Notes deals with the use of such language.
Are We Hooking Our Kids on Drugs?
This essay is a discussion of the growing trend of drug treatment for children.
Jesus Christ: The First and the Last
In this discussion, we pay special attention upon the phrase, “the first and the last,” as it appears in Revelation 1:17-18.
Soul and Spirit: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between a soul and a spirit in the Bible?
Who Was Caiaphas, the Official at the Trial of Jesus?
Who was Caiaphas, the official so instrumental in the death of Jesus?
The Folly of Atheism
Many atheists proclaim themselves to be intellectuals. In fact, they are fools.
Matthew 2:19-20 – The Death of Herod the Great
2 Samuel 7:12 – The Kingdom Established While David Slept
Samuel’s prophecy concerning the coming kingdom of Christ discredits the theory of premillennialism.
2 John 8 – The Reward of Labor
There is a type of work that is incorporated into the plan of redemption. Join us in the study of the apostle John’s reference to such work.
Herodotus and the Bible
This article shows how the histories of Herodotus confirm the reliability of the Bible.
Armageddon: The Next of the “Left-Behind” Series
The Plague of Profanity
The saying “curse like a sailor” no longer has any meaning. Profanity has become so common, the saying might as well be, “curse like a housewife.”
The Philosophy of John Calvin
John Calvin was a tremendously influential person in Protestant history. But his Institutes reveals his philosophy towards the Holy Scriptures. Is this philosophy worthy of emulation?
What About Divorce?