How Do I Distinguish the “Literal” from the “Figurative”?
How does the Bible student discern the difference between passages that contain figurative language, and those that strictly are literal? There is much confusion in the religious world regarding this issue. Read this article and learn some of the interpretative principles that are involved in correct Bible study on this matter.
Was Christ Originally “Created” by God?
There are those who allege that Jesus Christ did not have an eternal existence; rather, they claim, he was originally created by God, the Father. One passage that supposedly supports this view is Revelation 3:14. But does it? Study this text with us.
Does Genesis 2 Allow for Vast Ages of Time?
Does the language of Genesis 2:23 indicate that Adam was searching for a suitable mate among the animals for a long period of time? Does this interpretation provide support for the so-called “Day-age” theory?
Is It Wrong to Be Cruel to Animals?
Is animal life sacred? Is it wrong to be cruel to animals?
Behold, Behemoth!
In the concluding portion of the book of Job, God introduces, as an example of his power, the great creature, Behemoth. What was this great creature? Wayne Jackson discusses the various theories offered by way of identification.
Jesus Christ: The First and the Last
In this discussion, we pay special attention upon the phrase, “the first and the last,” as it appears in Revelation 1:17-18.
The Day-Day View: A Criticism Answered
What is the Day-Day View of the creation week? Those who criticize the literal interpretation of the first week look for textual evidence that the days in Genesis 1 are not 24-hour days. Have they found what they are looking for?
The Elephant in Evolution’s Living Room
Scientists recognize the complexity of the human genetic code, yet they are afraid to attribute that design to a Creator.
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is the title of a documentary movie that premiers across the nation on Friday, April 18. We encourage our readers to see this presentation.
Reasoning from the Visible to the Invisible
Can one know that God exists? Can he know that he has been saved? If so, how? “Reason” with us on this important topic.
How Is God To Be “Known”?
Can God be known from nature? Or are the Scriptures required for a fuller knowledge of the Creator? This article explores these questions.
When Infidelity Fashions Faith
A person’s faith should be fashioned by the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, many have allowed their beliefs to be forged in the furnace of unbelief. Many do not realize how much liberalism has shaped their approach to the Bible.
Our Universe: An Amazing Machine
Our amazing universe is a wonderful, intricately designed machine.
How Old Is the Earth?
How old is the earth? What does the Bible say? What about science? Does it really matter?
Are Some Sins Excused?
In his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul describes a certain level of human activity as “inexcusable” (Rom. 1:20). Does this imply that some conduct, even that which is bad, is “excusable”?
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Was there ever a time when men and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time? What does the evidence indicate?
What Do You Really Know about Evolution?
Some years ago a few scientists declared that the theory of evolution was as well established as the rotundity of the earth. But evolution is still a theory, not a law. All of the basics of this theory stand in opposition to known science.
Scientists “Xerox” First Human
A week ago, scientists in Massachusetts announced that they have cloned the first human being. Many are protesting this attempt to “play God.” But how are they arguing their case?
The Influence of Evolution upon Religion
How has Charles Darwin’s popular theory of origins influenced religious thinkers?