Lessons from the Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth is one of the beauty spots of the Old Testament. It is a delightfully “romantic” narrative. Aside from that, it contains some very wonderful truths that pertain to God’s great plan of redemption.
Walking Through the Book of Ephesians
It is vital that the servants of Christ pursue their daily walk with serious resolution.
What Is the Meaning of Ekklesia?
A new controversy: In recent years, it has become somewhat popular with some to dispute the meaning of the term ekklesia. Does the etymology of this Greek word in the New Testament have any relevance today? What does the word ekklesia mean?
Was Paul the Founder of Christianity?
Was Paul the founder of Christianity, as some atheists allege?
Nuggets from the Book of Philemon
Though Paul’s letter to Philemon is very brief, it is packed with rich nuggets of truth that truly reward the serious Bible student. Reflect upon some of these points with us in this article.
The Influence of Evolution upon Religion
How has Charles Darwin’s popular theory of origins influenced religious thinkers?
Miracles in the Book of Acts
When we think about miracles in the New Testament, we often consider the miracles of Christ in the Gospel accounts. There are, however, many miracles recorded in the book of Acts. A survey of these miraculous works is worthy of our reflection.
An Analysis of the “Salvation Army”
The “Salvation Army” is an organization that is applauded by most in our society. Undeniably, this group does implement numerous acts of benevolence among the needy. But is this all there is to Christianity? Do good deeds substitute for doctrinal soundness? Read this article carefully and put this issue in balance.
A Survey of the Major Prophets
The Major Prophets represent the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
A History of the Baptism Apostasy
The doctrine of baptism, as set forth in the New Testament, is scarcely recognizable in the modern world of “Christendom.” How did this strange and unwarranted change come about? Study this issue with us.
Is the Mormon Church the Restored Church?
The Mormon doctrine concerning the church is a maze of confusion and contradiction.
Jesus Christ: Church Inspector
Jesus noted both desirable and undesirable traits of the seven churches of Asia in the opening chapters of Revelation. His observations can be of supreme value today to those who desire to please Christ.
He Forsook the Treasures of Egypt
A discussion of the faith of Moses who forsook the treasures of Egypt
Examining the Four Gospels
Why are there four gospel accounts that cover so much of the same material? Are the records harmonious or do they conflict?
Lessons from the Catacombs of Rome
The catacombs located beneath the city of Rome are a wonder of antiquity which reveal much about the early adherents to the Christian faith.
The Roman Catholic – Lutheran Peace Treaty
On October 31, 1999 in Augsburg, Germany, representatives of Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism met to sign a “peace treaty” of sorts.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Prince of Egypt — The Movie
In mid-December the movie, Prince of Egypt, opened in theaters across the country. Because it differs so widely from the usual movie fare of sex and violence, this production is receiving high acclaim—even from religious figures like Billy Graham, James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and others.
The Burial of Christ’s Body
Why was Christ’s burial important in the scheme of redemption?
The Importance of Messianic Genealogy
It Christ’s genealogy important in establishing his identity as Messiah? Consider the evidence.