A Survey of Interbiblical History
Between the end of the Old Testament era, and the commencement of the New Testament period, four centuries passed. During these times important events transpired that impacted the commencement of Christianity. Every Bible student should familiarize himself with this history.
Amos, David and Instruments of Music
Does Amos 6:5 censure David’s introduction of instrumental music in worship?
Does the Bible Encourage Hatred?
Sometimes the Bible condemns hate. Sometimes it seems to encourage it.
Alexander the Great: An Amazing Example of Prophecy and Providence
The prophecies of Alexander the Great’s victories over various nations and the subsequent providential fulfillment are an interesting study of God’s control of national events.
The Campbell-Purcell Debate (1837)
The sexual improprieties of many priests within the Roman Catholic Church is a stormy controversy these days. Is this problem a natural result of the Church’s attitude regarding sexual activity? Read this article and draw your own conclusion.
What About the Iraq “War” Controversy?
As war clouds loom on the horizon, many wonder what the “Christian” position should be regarding this conflict. In response to a question, Wayne Jackson discusses some general biblical truths that relate to this matter.
Are the Dead “Asleep”?
This question is occasionally posed: “Why do Christians teach that the dead are conscious, when the Scriptures refer to death as ‘sleep’”? Wayne Jackson addresses this issue.
Darwin’s Disciples: The Modern Epicureans
When Paul visited Athens, some twenty centuries ago, he encountered the pagan Epicureans. The modern counterparts of these heathen philosophers are found in the disciples of Charles Darwin. Professor Benjamin Wiker has forcefully demonstrated this sad reality in his recent writings.
Does the Bible Conflict with Itself in the Matter of Incest?
Some make the claim that the Scriptures are in conflict in the matter of the morality of incest. But the allegation is false.
Is Sexual Self-stimulation Wrong?
Sometimes the most unpleasant topics are worthy of addressing for the benefit of others. That is the case with the theme below.
O Woman, Great Is Your Faith!
A brief devotional study on one of the greatest examples of faith during the ministry of Christ.
Languages of the Bible
The original languages of the Bible are three: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. If one wishes to be a careful student of the Scriptures, he will want to do some research concerning the biblical languages.
Stars: A Creation of Mass Production
The Psalmist affirmed that “the heavens declare the glory of God.” In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson explores some of the wonders of the starry hosts that decorate the night skies.
The Meaning of Romans 3:31
Many are confused as to the meaning of Romans 3:31. In this article we explore the meaning of the sacred text.
Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation
Addicted to Me
Meth ... pot ... fentanyl ... or “ME”? Which addiction has more victims?
The Tower of Babel: Legend or History?
The book of Genesis is a narrative dealing with “beginnings,” as the title of the document indicates. One of the beginnings in Genesis is the record of how human beings came to speak different languages.
Christian Ethics and Legal Maneuvering
Christians are not only responsible to the laws of God, they are accountable to the laws designed to protect society. A relationship with Christ does not exempt one from legal culpability.
Pascal and Paul
Blaise Pascal (1623-62) had a brilliant mind. He became convinced of the genuineness of the Christian religion. At times, however, his argumentation left something to be desired.
Facts About the Second Coming of Christ
One of the most dominant themes in the New Testament is the second coming of Christ. Over the centuries, numerous false ideas have confused many regarding earth’s final event. Here are some facts about our Lord’s return...