Help My Unbelief!
Once we cease struggling with our faith, and let it slide, we are headed down a slippery slope that may lead to eternal ruin. What a horrible thought to contemplate. Lord, I believe; but help me in my times of unbelief!
What Is the Meaning of “Corban”?
What did Jesus mean in Mark 7:11-12 when he condemned the Pharisees’ practice of “Corban”?
Common Sense Courtesy
The Christian lives in a world where he interacts with other people on a daily basis. What sort of impression are we leaving upon others? The exercise of “common sense” principles of courtesy can have a wonderful effect upon your fellows. We reflect upon some of these in this week’s Penpoints article.
Was Christ’s Power Limited by Man’s Faith?
When Christ was in his “own country,” Mark says that “he could do no mighty work” there (Mark 6:5). What is the meaning of this perplexing passage?
How Should Church Business Be Conducted without Elders?
May women participate in decision-making roles if there are no qualified men to serve as elders?
The English Standard Version Study Bible – A Review
Since its release in 2001, the English Standard Version of the Bible has gained popularity. We reviewed the ESV several years back and gave it commendation. Last year the ESV Study Bible appeared. While the study tools frequently are helpful, there are numerous danger spots characterized by doctrinal error. Those using this edition should be informed.
Science and Faith: The Budding Romance
Why does there seem to be a sort of new “romance” between science and faith? Is it because people of “faith” have been willing to compromise their convictions about evolution?
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
Steve Allen’s Attack upon the Bible
This article, originally published in 1993, addresses the book written by popular songwriter-comedian, Steve Allen (1921-2000), Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality.
Is the Church a Reed or a Pillar?
A reed is a symbol of instability; a pillar signifies a solid, immovable foundation. The church of today must ask: “Are we a ‘reed shaken in the wind’ or are we the ‘pillar and ground of the truth’”?
Baby Dedication Ceremonies: Expediency or Innovation?
The practice of having “baby dedication” services is becoming increasingly popular within some churches of Christ? Is this ritual a mere expedient, or does it reflect an unwarranted innovation? This article addresses this growing controversy.
Paul’s Experience on the Damascus Road
Recently we argued that God does not speak directly to people today; rather, he communicates his saving will through the Scriptures. A kind reader thinks that Paul’s experience on the Damascus road negates our conclusion. Jason Jackson responds.
Should Christians Have All Things in Common?
Communism has held millions of people in its oppressive grasp, forcing a distribution of personal resources among the masses. Some even allege that early Christianity was characterized by this disposition. They contend that anyone in “need” has a “right” to the prosperity of others. In this week’s Question & Answer segment, Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
When Freedom Becomes a License for Evil
America is the land of the “free.” But “free” to do what? Anything one wishes, irrespective of the harm to others? This is a probing question that many seem to have forgotten.
A Gracious Petition
In an earlier phase of his legal trial, some Christians had neglected to provide support for Paul. How did the noble apostle handle this lapse of courage?
The Case of Eutychus
The case of Eutychus in Acts chapter 20 is a testament to the authenticity of the Christian religion and an assurance that death is not the end of existence.
The Song Police
Some songs certainly are unscriptural. But we should be sure that we do not irrationally object to songs based on our own misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
Jesus’ Sayings on Sin
Christ taught much about sin, and we would profit from a humble reflection on some of the sayings of Jesus about sin.
The Authenticity of the New Testament Documents
Are the twenty-seven books of the New Testament genuine history, or merely the reflections of ancient mythology?
Corinth – A Troubled Church
The church in Corinth had numerous spiritual problems, one of which was its tolerance of flagrant immorality. In his letter to this church, the apostle delivers a sharp rebuke. Happily, it produce a healthy result.