What About the Iraq “War” Controversy?
As war clouds loom on the horizon, many wonder what the “Christian” position should be regarding this conflict. In response to a question, Wayne Jackson discusses some general biblical truths that relate to this matter.
Darwin’s Disciples: The Modern Epicureans
When Paul visited Athens, some twenty centuries ago, he encountered the pagan Epicureans. The modern counterparts of these heathen philosophers are found in the disciples of Charles Darwin. Professor Benjamin Wiker has forcefully demonstrated this sad reality in his recent writings.
How Is a Civil Ruler a Minister of God?
What is the relationship between the Christian and the government?
Do I Need to Be Re-baptized?
Should anyone ever be re-baptized? Some say no. But what do the scriptures say?
What About the Baptism of Young Children?
How old should a child be before he is allowed to be baptized? Are we immersing some who are too young? What are some of the guidelines by which responsible decisions can be made?
The Trail of Tears
Why do people cry? The Bible mentions human tears more than 500 times.
What Is Truth? — A Question for the Ages
A careful investigation of the biblical text provides a powerful antidote to the postmodern confusion which alleges that truth is subjective, elusive, and ephemeral.
A Study of Messianic Psalms
The Psalms have much to say about Jesus the Messiah. Jason Jackson details the characteristics of these moving prophecies.
The Christian Priesthood
The Great Commission According to Matthew
One of the last instructions Christ gave to his apostles was to go make disciples of all the nations. In this article, we review the account of this solemn command as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20.
Does Mapping the Human Genome Prove Evolution?
Scientists recently announced that they have “mapped” the human genome. Some are alleging that this discovery contains positive proof for Darwin’s theory of evolution. Wayne Jackson addresses this issue.
An Analysis of the “Salvation Army”
The “Salvation Army” is an organization that is applauded by most in our society. Undeniably, this group does implement numerous acts of benevolence among the needy. But is this all there is to Christianity? Do good deeds substitute for doctrinal soundness? Read this article carefully and put this issue in balance.
Some Questions about Divorce and Remarriage
Occasionally we receive questions on the topic of divorce and remarriage. We cannot give unequivocal answers regarding cases wherein we cannot possibly know all the facts. However, we can deal with certain principles.
Will Everyone Go to Heaven?
The idea that all people will be saved appears to be gaining momentum. But the fact is, this dogma has no basis in Scripture and logically it is irrational.
Is Church Attendance Required?
Are Christians required to attend the formal worship meetings of their local congregation? There are varying views on this theme that are reflected in fluctuating patterns of church attendance. Let’s take a look at this issue.
How to Read the Book: Nine Rules for Effective Bible Reading
The Bible is not an ordinary book. It is the only revelation of God’s nature and will; it alone is “profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteous” (2 Timothy 3:16). It can make us wise unto salvation, and the word is able to save our souls (2 Timothy 3:15; James 1:21). In this article, Jason Jackson discusses the importance of reading God’s word, and he offers some proven methods to boost your Bible reading.
The Jewish Talmud and the Death of Christ
There is an interesting passage in the Jewish Talmud that mentions the death of Christ. Though written from a negative vantage point, it nonetheless constitutes a marvelous confirmation of the biblical record.
Lessons from Lamentations
False Ideas about the Holy Spirit
False teachers do exist (2 Peter 2:1), and the ideas they advocate are dangerous. In this study, we will direct attention to some false teachings relative to the Holy Spirit.
A Historian’s Assessment of Ancient Christianity
Edward Gibbon’s monumental work of history provides great insight into early Christianity.