Conversions in Acts
There is much confusion in the community of “Christendom” as to what constitutes “conversion.” There need not be. A collective consideration of those cases in the book of Acts wonderfully clarifies the matter. Study this theme with us.
Job, Behemoth, and Dinosaurs
Answering God’s Critic
A reply to a recent column by George Johnson and his attempt to discredit creation
A Study of the King of Tyre Prophecy in Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28:1-19 is a fascinating study of the prophetic promise of the fall of ancient Tyre. Unfortunately, this segment of scripture has become the seed-bed of two ideas that have no merit in the sacred text, namely the “fall of Satan” in Eden, or else the “rise of the Anti-Christ” near the end of the current historical era. Study this context with us.
Some Great Needs: An Interview with Wayne Jackson
Steve Lloyd is a respected gospel minister who edits an electronic journal, A Closer Look At Things Pertaining to the Faith. In a recent issue he interviewed Wayne Jackson regarding some of the needs in the church today. This is the text of that dialogue.
Are Preachers To Be Called “Reverend”?
Is the use of a clerical title, e.g., “Reverend,” “Father,” “Rabbi,” or “Doctor”—within the framework of religious service—consistent with the will of God? This week’s question discusses this issue.
News Story Focuses Spotlight on Aspects of Mormonism
The sensational news story regarding the return of the kidnapped Salt Lake City teen has caused public attention to be focused upon certain aspects of Mormon doctrine. This week’s Penpoints article highlights a couple of these issues.
What About the Bible and Slavery?
Does the Bible condone slavery? If so, how does the Christian reconcile this with the biblical concept of the intrinsic worth of every human being as a creature made in the image of God?
Exploiting Human Weakness: A Look at Vice Taxation
Christians need to oppose wrong-doing on the basis of principle, rather than capitulating to compromising crumbs thrown to us from the tables of politicians.
Does Psalm 22 Prophesy the Crucifixion of Christ?
A critic has charged that Christians have manipulated the text of Psalm 22 to foreshadow the crucifixion of Christ. What are the facts of the matter?
A Tale of Two Cities
Why are some receptive to the gospel, and others so hostile? A case study of two groups may help to clarify the problem.
The ACU Commentary and the Unity of the Book of Isaiah
Lessons from the Ark of the Covenant
The mysterious Ark of the Covenant disappeared from human history but still teaches valuable lessons.
Will Heaven Be on Earth?
There is a popular view that “heaven” will be on “earth,” after our planet has been purged by fire at the end of time. This theory is wholly without merit and results from a failure to understand the symbolic nature of several passages of scripture.
An Amazing Prophecy in the Book of Daniel
The book of Daniel stands as powerful evidence for the genuineness of Bible prophecy. It thus is a convincing demonstration of the divine origin of the Scriptures.
What About the Iraq “War” Controversy?
As war clouds loom on the horizon, many wonder what the “Christian” position should be regarding this conflict. In response to a question, Wayne Jackson discusses some general biblical truths that relate to this matter.
Why Did Jesus “Curse” the Fig Tree?
The New Testament records an episode where Jesus “cursed” a fig tree. Many people are disturbed with reference to this incident. What is the meaning behind this strange circumstance?
Does the Bible Encourage Hatred?
Sometimes the Bible condemns hate. Sometimes it seems to encourage it.
Darwin’s Disciples: The Modern Epicureans
When Paul visited Athens, some twenty centuries ago, he encountered the pagan Epicureans. The modern counterparts of these heathen philosophers are found in the disciples of Charles Darwin. Professor Benjamin Wiker has forcefully demonstrated this sad reality in his recent writings.
How Is a Civil Ruler a Minister of God?
What is the relationship between the Christian and the government?