The Fragrance of Christian Influence
Influence is powerful for good or evil. Are you striving to enhance your influence for the honor of Christ?
Divorce and Civil Law
Divorce and remarriage are serious moral issues. The law of God, as made known in the New Testament, is the standard of truth that regulates the institution of marriage. The Christian must seek to determine the will of God in times of marital difficulty, neither binding nor loosing where the Lord has not. This article discusses the relationship of divine and civil law to the institution of marriage.
The BBC’s Theory on the Biblical Plagues
England’s most famous broadcasting facility, the BBC, has just released a TV special which attempts to explain the biblical plagues (visited upon Egypt in the days of Moses) as nothing more than a series of purely natural events. But will that analysis stand the test of critical examination? See for yourself.
What About Alcoholics Anonymous?
What is your opinion of Christians who attend AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] meetings or treatment centers to stop drinking?
Agape — A Christian Husband’s Obligation
In this article, Jason Jackson considers the divine imperative, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it” (Eph. 5:25). A husband, living like God wants him to live, will learn to love his wife according to Christ’s example, giving himself selflessly for her spiritual needs. That is agape — a Christian husband’s eternally rewarding obligation.
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
Contend Earnestly for the Faith
What does “contending for the faith” mean?
Does God Send Delusions? Can a Person Harden Himself Beyond Hope?
What does the Bible mean when it suggests that God may “send a strong delusion” to some people (2 Thes. 2:11)? Would the “God of truth” actually “send” a lie? Too, is it possible for a person to harden his heart to the extent that he is beyond the hope of salvation?
Does God Limit His Own Foreknowledge?
Is there biblical evidence that, in some cases, God has limited his own foreknowledge?
Hand me a pill; my syndrome is bugging me!
Some protest the use of illegal drugs by a glazed-eyed sub-culture, all the while popping pills daily to cope with a variety of problems common to humanity.
Television and Your Children
Do we realize the impact that television is having on our children? Can we fathom how the character of television is changing right before our eyes? Reflect on these questions in this week’s Penpoints article.
What Is Marriage and Why Does It Matter?
Who decides what marriage is? Who is eligible to marry? Is it a matter of public opinion or political policy making? Absolutely not. God is the author of marriage, and his word regulates the divine arrangement. Jason Jackson considers the topic in light of recent developments.
Man, From the Beginning
For Bible believers, there can be no compromise between evolutionary chronology and the biblical historical record.
The Elephant in Evolution’s Living Room
Scientists recognize the complexity of the human genetic code, yet they are afraid to attribute that design to a Creator.
Were John’s Disciples Required To Be Reimmersed?
Were those disciples who were immersed by John the Baptizer required to be re-immersed on the day of Pentecost or thereafter? Some sincere Bible students maintain they were, but will the evidence really support that view?
Will Wicked People Be Annihilated in Hell?
This question discusses the ultimate fate of the wicked. Will it be annihilation or conscious suffering?
Is Man a Naked Ape?
English zoologist Desmond Morris once characterized human beings as naked apes. This was his cute, dramatic attempt to promote the theory of organic evolution. Is there any evidence to support this view?
Science and Miracles
Christians need not be intimidated when certain “scientists” utter dogmatic pronouncements which disdain religion.
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
Old Testament Events and the Goodness of God
Some have suggested that certain accounts within the Old Testament appear to depict God not as holy, kind, good, and merciful, but instead as unjust, mean, vengeful, and unmerciful. How can God be called “good” in light of such events?