The Skeptics’ Bogus Bounty
A response to a challenge from a dishonest infidel
National Center for Science Education & Evolution
The charge that evolution “is in danger of being banished from our schools” is a lie—a lie being perpetrated for the sole purpose of attempting to raise money.
Barking at an Empty Log: Atheism & Millennialism
Do the absence of certain “millennial events” disprove the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible. Not in the least. They do, however, disprove popular millennial theories.
The Tomb Was Found Empty
They desperately try; but no skeptic has been able to rationally explain that empty tomb in Jerusalem.
Psalm 19, Scientifically Accurate
Critics often criticize figurative language in the Bible as being scientifically inaccurate. But even “scientists” use figurative language from time to time. In spite of poetic language, Psalm 19 does contain some descriptions of the sun that are scientifically precise.
Are the Gospel Writers Credible?
Generally speaking, skeptics assert that Jesus did not do the things recorded in the Gospel accounts; they simply invented the stories.
Acts 26:8 – Can God Raise the Dead?
Does God have the ability to raise the dead? Paul affirms in his defense to Herod that he does.
A Problem No Skeptic Can Explain
The writers of the gospel testify with their lives to the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword — Part 1
Can we do more harm than good when defending the truth with incorrect reasoning?
What about those Gadarene Hogs?
Bible critics charge Jesus with an unethical act when he gave permission for some demons to enter a herd of swine. A closer look, however, reveals that the accusation is baseless.
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
The ACLU – Bible Enemy No. 1
What a perverse operation it is, when the ACLU uses the Bible—which it detests so much—as a money-raising scheme for its God-dishonoring agenda.
Did Jesus Exclude Repentance from Forgiveness?
Why do some Bible verses seem to indicate some people were forgiven without repentance?
Clergyman Attacks Bible — Is Ousted
Derek Stanesby was expelled from the pulpit where he often was invited to speak, because he attacked the Bible, denying that it is the “word of God.”
The Jesus Ossuary Inscription
Today, archaeology scholars have stunned the world by an announcement that an inscription, possibly bearing the name of Jesus Christ, has been found on a stone bone-burial box in Israel. If the find proves to be authentic, it will provide further striking evidence of the historicity of the existence of Jesus.
Religion and Morality: The Connection
George Washington affirmed that a nation could not be maintained without morality. Today, some say biblical morality is unnecessary for national success. This essay analyzes the assertion by Alan Dershowitz that morality is not dependent upon religion.
Roman Catholic Professor Denies the Resurrection of Christ
A Roman Catholic scholar, Professor Thomas H. West, has renounced the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ in a newly published book. There is nothing fresh in his approach. It is the same old infidelity that has been around for centuries.
The Subterfuge of the “Intelligent Design Movement”
Every logically thinking person instinctively knows that “where there is design, there must be a designer.” Even atheists concede the point. Those who follow the logic to its ultimate conclusion, and who seek to honor the great Designer, do not hesitate to affirm that the design evidence points to God. It is a great tragedy that some choose to conceal this fact.
Don’t Mess with the Target
Spiritually, it is not an easy thing, in a world immersed in wickedness, to live a life dedicated to obeying the law of God.
Jesus and Laughter
An atheist’s laughable attempt to criticize the Lord’s teaching is exposed.