When Love Grows Cold: A Profile of the Ephesian Church
This profile of the Ephesian church serves as an example for our learning.
Atheism: The “No-God” Religion
Atheists claim to the anti-religion, yet they have formed their own “religion.” They are the epitome of inconsistency.
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.
The Creation Week—Reflections on Genesis
This article is a listing of some of the many truths to be discovered from a study of Genesis chapter one.
Baby Dedication Ceremonies: Expediency or Innovation?
The practice of having “baby dedication” services is becoming increasingly popular within some churches of Christ? Is this ritual a mere expedient, or does it reflect an unwarranted innovation? This article addresses this growing controversy.
Paul’s Discourse to the Elders at Ephesus
As Paul concludes his third missionary journey, he pauses at Miletus to meet with the elders of the church in Ephesus. His words are filled with admonition and exhortation, and they contain many wonderful truths needed by today’s church. This month’s Feature deals with the apostle’s address.
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
The conversion of the persecutor, Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most significant events in the book of Acts. Tragically, the theme is frequently misunderstood. Study this case history with us.
The English Standard Version Study Bible – A Review
Since its release in 2001, the English Standard Version of the Bible has gained popularity. We reviewed the ESV several years back and gave it commendation. Last year the ESV Study Bible appeared. While the study tools frequently are helpful, there are numerous danger spots characterized by doctrinal error. Those using this edition should be informed.
Young Jesus Asks a Question
Even at the age of twelve, Jesus demonstrated remarkable insight into his mission.
The Christian and Depression
In spite of relative prosperity, better health, and considerable freedom, many people (even Christians) suffer with depression. What does the Bible say about depression? Is there a spiritual solution for this mental state?
Christianity and World Religions
The eastern mystic religions are growing in popularity. But are all religions created equal?
America—A Nation Out of Control
Is America out of control?
Destructive Criticism and the Old Testament
The investigations of “higher critics” have proceeded along lines buttressed with biased presuppositions that are grossly inaccurate, and which have been repeatedly and thoroughly discredited by reputable scholars.
A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers
Influenced by society, many are looking for New Testament authority for expanding the role of women in the body of Christ.
6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
Modern Psychology and the Bible
Exactly what is “psychology” and how does this area of interest relate to the Bible?
The Heart of the Matter
A consideration of the biblical data leads only to the conclusion that the heart is a vulnerable feature of the human makeup. One must guard it, and he must cultivate it, with the greatest of diligence.
Unity — Its Aesthetic and Practical Value
There is, perhaps, no greater exhortation to unity, anywhere in the Bible, that surpasses that of Psalm 133.
Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?
Have you ever heard of a good person who has done a very bad thing? Why does this happen?