Be Confident of Your Salvation – Studies in 1 John (Part 1)
Because of who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do, we can walk in the light, being confident as Christians and sure of salvation. This is part 1 of a two-part study on John’s first epistle.
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
A Divine Platform for Christian Unity
In Paul’s letter to the saints in Ephesus, there is a marvelous platform for Christian unity. In this article, Wayne Jackson discusses the components of the plan for sacred unity.
Who Is Paul’s “Man of Sin”?
Who is the sinister “man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2?
I Was Sentenced to Death in the Electric Chair – A True Story
The following article is the true story of Clyde Thompson, once known as the “meanest man in Texas.” It wonderfully relates how the power of the gospel of Christ changed a vicious murderer into a great, soul-winning instrument of evangelism on behalf of men behind bars. This narrative was first published in a small tract (now out of print) distributed by Star Bible. It is reproduced here (with some slight editing and reformatting) for the benefit of our readers.
Will Heaven Be on Earth?
There is a popular view that “heaven” will be on “earth,” after our planet has been purged by fire at the end of time. This theory is wholly without merit and results from a failure to understand the symbolic nature of several passages of scripture.
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
An in-depth study of the interesting encounter between Jesus and an unnamed Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well recorded in John chapter four.