6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
The Amazing Unity of Scripture
The literary unity of the Bible is evidence of Divine inspiration.
The Divine Benefits Package — A Study of Psalm 103
Human beings generally are concerned about the benefits package associated with their employment. God’s “benefits package” is marvelous beyond description, as Psalm 103 reveals. This study considers the marvelous benefits bestowed upon the children of God.
Reflections on the Goodness of God
It is such a comfort to know that God is a Being of perfect goodness. Reflect on these aspects of his goodness.
Psallo and the Instrumental Music Controversy
Over the years, some of those who support the use of mechanical instruments of music have appealed to what is known as the psallo argument.
Marriage: As Designed by God
What is the origin and design of marriage?
The Heart of the Matter
A consideration of the biblical data leads only to the conclusion that the heart is a vulnerable feature of the human makeup. One must guard it, and he must cultivate it, with the greatest of diligence.
Making Sense of the Bible
The Bible is the most important book one could ever read. And it is possible to understand it, when the great plan of the Bible is taken into consideration. Wayne Jackson walks through the 66 books of the Bible and highlights the message and purpose of each inspired text.
Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?
Have you ever heard of a good person who has done a very bad thing? Why does this happen?
The Old Testament and Incense
The Old Testament contains many references to the burning of incense. What lessons does this hold for us today? Let us meditate upon this theme together.
Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Biblical scholars have catalogued more than three hundred amazing prophecies that find precise fulfillment in the life and labor of the Son of God. One of these predictive declarations is found in Daniel 9:24-27, commonly referred to as the prophecy of “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks.”
Simon, Simon
The complex life of the apostle Peter contains many valuable lessons for the child of God.
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship—Part 2
What is acceptable worship? This article is the second in a two-part series.
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
Examining Premillennialism
Premillennialism, the doctrine that Christ will soon return to set up an earthly kingdom for a thousand years, is a popular idea these days. In this this article, Wayne Jackson examines this theory.
Matthew’s Use of the Term “Fulfilled”
When the apostle Matthew wrote that an Old Testament prophecy had been “fulfilled” by Christ, just what did he mean? Engage in this study with us.
Paul’s Two-Year Roman Imprisonment
By weaving together the data found in Paul’s prison epistles, one can get some feeling for how things fared for the apostle in Rome before being imprisoned again and finally departing to be with the Lord in his heavenly kingdom.
The Terror of Death: Causes and Cures
There are numerous examples from history of valiant Christians who went to their deaths as martyrs, singing hymns and happily praising God. How were they able to exude such a joyful demeanor? Whence their sense of fearlessness that seems to elude so many today?
May a Christian Address Christ in Praise or Prayer?
Some sincere Christians contend that the child of God may not address Christ, either in praise or through prayer. Will this case stand in the light of critical investigation? Carefully study this issue with us.