What Does It Mean To Be a Born Again Christian?
Jesus said that unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God. So, what does it mean to be born again? Let’s explore the Bible for an answer to this important question.
What Is the Baptism of Fire?
What is the “baptism of fire” mentioned in Matthew 3:11?
What About the Terms “Godhead” And “Trinity”?
What about the terms “Godhead” and “Trinity”? Is it appropriate to use these words? Do they represent biblical ideas? Study this issue with us in this week’s Q&A session.
Who Is the “Natural” Man in 1 Corinthians 2:14?
In a letter to the church at Corinth, Paul affirmed that “the natural man does not receive the things of God.” Some allege that this text suggests that one cannot understand the Scriptures without direct guidance from the Holy Spirit. But, as Wayne Jackson demonstrates in this article, this view reflects a misunderstanding of the apostle’s argument.
God’s Great Plan in Perpetuity
If one looks at each of the three processes involved in the salvation of mankind — development, consummation, and revelation, he should see that each was effected in perpetuity, and none is being replicated today.
The Mormons Seek a Face Lift
The Mormons hope to shed the name “Mormon” in creating a new image.
What Is the Eternal Sin?
Jesus once spoke of an “eternal” sin, for which there is no forgiveness. What was that sin? Can it be committed today?
The Great Commission According to Matthew
One of the last instructions Christ gave to his apostles was to go make disciples of all the nations. In this article, we review the account of this solemn command as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20.
Blasphemy — What Is this Great Sin?
What is the horrible sin of blasphemy? Have I been guilty of it? Can one obtain pardon for it?
God Made No Distinction
Peter affirmed that God “made no distinction” between Jews and Gentiles with reference to the matter of salvation. In other words, both Jews and Gentiles were to be redeemed in precisely the same fashion.
Testing the Spirits
A preacher or teacher must accept the heavy responsibility the Scriptures lay upon that role. His audience also has a responsibility—to test his message, whether or not it is from God.
Did All Christians in the First Century Possess Miraculous Gifts?
Did every Christian in the first century receive the gift of performing miracles?
The Temptations of Christ
Would you like greater strength in confronting temptation? We can learn from the Master, who never yielded, and we ought to appreciate the sufferings he endured for us. Let us study together the temptations of Christ.
Are the Scriptures “Verbally” Inspired of God?
Some claim that there is a “sense” in which the Bible is “inspired of God” — but that it cannot be claimed that the very words themselves were divinely given. Will this theory stand the test of critical examination? This article looks at the biblical claim itself.
Was Christ Mistaken About His Second Coming?
Bertrand Russell once claimed that Jesus, if he ever really existed, was obviously wrong about his second coming. Was the atheist correct?
Stephen’s Final Prayer
Stephen was the first Christian martyr. His final recorded words were a prayer directed to his Savior. This narrative contains some rich truths.
Is a Church Obligated to Support Mission Work?
Is there a congregational obligation to help others, especially by supporting the preaching of the gospel in other places?
David’s Prophecy Regarding Judas
The apostle Peter declared that David issued a prophecy regarding Judas Iscariot. Did he? If so, what are some of the lessons to be learned from that inspired declaration?
False Ideas about God
While most people (according to polls) believe in “God,” many entertain a variety of false ideas relative to the Supreme Being. This article discusses some of these views.
Paul’s Instruction to the Saints of Crete
Paul’s admonishment of the Cretan Chrisitans, through Titus, provides a marvelous synopsis of the redemption process.