Islam and the Enemy
It has been charged that both Christianity and Islam are religions of violence. In this article, the teachings of these two systems, regarding how to treat one’s enemies, are laid side by side.
Five Great Truths from John 1:1
The first verse of the Gospel of John is absolutely brimming with meaning, and it refutes a host of popular errors.
Exploring the Concept of Priesthood
The study of the concept of priesthood contains many valuable facets. It also is fraught with religious error. This article discusses both of these aspects.
Ernest Renan’s Assessment of Jesus Christ
What About the Thief on the Cross?
If the thief on the cross could be saved without being baptized, why cannot people today do the same?
Have You Checked Those Numbers Lately?
While the Old Testament demanded the tithe from the Hebrews, the New Testament embodies a nobler challenge. Christians should carefully consider the percentage of their giving on the Lord’s day.
Luke 11:50 – The Earth, Mankind, and Jesus Christ
Evolutionists claim the earth is much older than mankind. What is the Lord’s position on that topic?
How Did the Samaritan Woman Know About the Messiah?
A Samaritan woman told Jesus that she knew about the coming Messiah. How did this lady know this fact?
The Agony of Gethsemane
As Jesus prayed on the mount of Olives, “his sweat became as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground” (Lk. 22:44). Did blood actually come from the Lord’s skin, or is the language merely a figure of speech emphasizing the Savior’s agony?
A Gracious Petition
In an earlier phase of his legal trial, some Christians had neglected to provide support for Paul. How did the noble apostle handle this lapse of courage?
Mark 7:19 – Unclean Meats
Many religionists still hold that there are unclean meats that should not be eaten. What does the New Testament teach?
Why Was John the Baptist Confused?
Why did John the Baptist seem to doubt the identity of Jesus Christ?
Anthrax, AIDS, and America
If the Anthrax threat is alarming to America, why is the nation so passive relative to the AIDS problem?
What Is Baptismal Regeneration?
Exactly what is “baptismal regeneration”? Is this doctrine scriptural?
Teresa’s “Exorcism”
It was recently announced that Roman Catholic nun, Teresa, received an “exorcism” just before her death. What is the Christian to make of this?
Is There a Future Kingdom?
The New Testament clearly teaches that the kingdom of Christ was established on the day of Pentecost. But it also reveals a “kingdom” that is eternal and heavenly that is yet to come.
Frauds in Science
There are many honest people working in the various fields of science, but it also is only fair to point out that there have been, and likely will continue to be, some real charlatans in the scientific community.
How Is God To Be “Known”?
Can God be known from nature? Or are the Scriptures required for a fuller knowledge of the Creator? This article explores these questions.
Are You an Evangelist?
You may not be able to fulfill the role of a preacher, or teacher, or elder, or deacon. But in the general sense, you can be an evangelist. Here’s how.
The Connection between Religion and Morality
Does morality thrive in the absence of religion? While some allege that it will, studies do not support that conclusion.