Don’t Mess with the Target
Spiritually, it is not an easy thing, in a world immersed in wickedness, to live a life dedicated to obeying the law of God.
The Sexual Orientation Controversy
According to some “experts” sexual orientation is not something one can change. Some of the major studies reflecting these opinions have been done, of course, by the homosexuals themselves.
What Is a Pastor?
It is not uncommon to hear religious people refer to a minister as “the pastor” of the church. There is no such thing as “the pastor” of a church. The term “pastor” is greatly abused in the community of Christendom.
The Two “Beasts” of Revelation 13
In Revelation 13, John sees a vision of two beasts—one arising from the sea, another from the earth. What do these images represent?
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
Common Sense Courtesy
The Christian lives in a world where he interacts with other people on a daily basis. What sort of impression are we leaving upon others? The exercise of “common sense” principles of courtesy can have a wonderful effect upon your fellows. We reflect upon some of these in this week’s Penpoints article.
Congregational Autonomy: Not a Shield for Error
The Scriptures teach that each congregation of the Lord’s body is under self-rule, but with limitations. Sadly, some do not recognize these limitations and jeopardize their fidelity to sound doctrine.
Is a Word Formula Required in Administering Baptism?
Must baptism be administered “in the name of Jesus” only to be valid?
Seven Steps to Greater Bible Understanding
Here is a simple seven point plan to help one start understanding the Bible and its remarkable message.
When Goodness Is as the Morning Dew
The prophet Hosea described ancient Israel’s goodness as like the morning dew. What did he mean by this strange analogy?
Clouds Without Water: A Review of the New ACU Commentary
The Influence of Modern Trends on the Church
Is new always better than old? Not always. Some modern trends have had a negative impact on the church.
How Do I Deal with Conflicting Emotions?
How does a single mother harmonize her love for an out-of-wedlock child with her lingering guilt of sin?
Agape — A Christian Husband’s Obligation
In this article, Jason Jackson considers the divine imperative, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it” (Eph. 5:25). A husband, living like God wants him to live, will learn to love his wife according to Christ’s example, giving himself selflessly for her spiritual needs. That is agape — a Christian husband’s eternally rewarding obligation.
What Is the Church of Christ?
The New Testament gives a clear picture of what the church was under the leadership of the Lord’s apostles. The church’s origin was divine; it continues to be subject to the authority of Christ. Should it not be the same today — simply, the church of Christ?
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
Voting: Option or Obligation?
Some allege that voting in elections is a Christian obligation. Others contend that it is an option, but not an obligation? Where does the truth lie? May Christians disagree on this issue without dissension?
California High Court Wrong Again
The California Supreme Court is one of the most reckless judicial bodies in the nation. Once more it has intruded into, and trampled upon, the right to religious freedom. Consider one of its latest infractions.
The Emerging Church Movement—The New Face of Heresy
May a Christian Declare Bankruptcy?
Is it ever permissible for the Christian to file for bankruptcy? This is not a question that has a simple answer. General biblical principles dealing with finances must be studied carefully.