The Controversy Rages: Mel Gibson’s “The Passion”
Mel Gibson’s motion picture, “The Passion of the Christ,” has ignited a storm of controversy, once again raising the question, “Who was responsible for the death of Jesus of Nazareth?” This week’s Penpoints explores this “hot” topic.
Examine me, Lord — A Study of Psalm 26
Psalm 26 is a thrilling example of a sincere man, most likely king David, who, in spite of personal weaknesses, was generally a man of integrity. He begs the Lord to examine his heart and bless him.
The Crimson Flow
It is not difficult to see how vital it is to understand the role of Jesus’ blood in God’s redemptive plan.
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
Christian Ethics and Legal Maneuvering
Christians are not only responsible to the laws of God, they are accountable to the laws designed to protect society. A relationship with Christ does not exempt one from legal culpability.
Every Spiritual Blessing Is in Christ
Every spiritual blessing that God the Father gives, he gives to those who are in Christ. Paul identifies in Ephesians 1:3-14 that Christ is the sphere in which God the Father blesses. How important it is to understand how one enters the redemptive relationship with Christ.
Sam Morris on Rum and Eternal Ruin
A Baptist journal recently published an article by the late Sam Morris on the ravages of rum. But how does the article compare with another composition by Morris, which asserts that no sin will condemn the Christian’s soul?
Does Psalm 22 Prophesy the Crucifixion of Christ?
A critic has charged that Christians have manipulated the text of Psalm 22 to foreshadow the crucifixion of Christ. What are the facts of the matter?
Power of the Pen, The
Wayne Jackson reflects on his past and aspirations for the future, in this endeavor.
The Trashing of Human Life
The only way one can consistently argue for the sanctity of human life is to ground his case in the ultimate moral law which proceeds from the sovereign Creator of the universe.
Daniel’s Prophecy of Antiochus Epiphanes
Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek tryant of the 2nd century B.C. He was a vicious enemy of the Jewish people, outlawing Judaism and descrating the sacred Hebrew temple. In an amazing display of prophetic revelation, Daniel the prophet, several centuries earlier, had detailed some of the exploits of this political monster. Jason Jackson discusses some of Daniel’s stunning predictions in this month’s Feature article.
What Must I Know To Be Saved?
Unlike some other religions, the validity of Christian faith rests upon what we believe about the gospel of Christ. But what exactly must one know to become a child of God? Let’s explore these thoughts in this brief article.
THE GOLDEN TEXT: A Study of John 3:16
John 3:16 is often called the “golden text” of the Bible. Many hold this passage very dear. Tragically, the text is more often than not misunderstood. In this study, we take a close look at this amazing passage.
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
Did Matthew Blunder?
Matthew, in appealing to a prophecy, seems to attribute it to Jeremiah, whereas the Old Testament has it in the book of Zechariah. Critics, in characteristic fashion, have charged Matthew with an error.
Take Heed Lest You Fall
Does the Bible teach that a Christian cannot ever fall away from grace?
Unpacking the Second Epistle of Peter: Its Authenticity, Themes, and Relevance
This article by Wayne Jackson provides a detailed analysis of the Second Epistle of Peter in the New Testament. It discusses its authorship, themes, and relevance to the Christian faith. The article also explores the controversies surrounding its authenticity and the teachings it presents.
God’s Great Plan Consummated
Can man know that God exists? Is humanity the result of divine creation, or merely the consequence of impersonal evolutionary forces?
The Divine Benefits Package — A Study of Psalm 103
Human beings generally are concerned about the benefits package associated with their employment. God’s “benefits package” is marvelous beyond description, as Psalm 103 reveals. This study considers the marvelous benefits bestowed upon the children of God.
Has the Messiah of the Old Testament Come?
Some Jews adamantly deny that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah. They contend that the true Messiah is yet to come? Study this matter with us.