Does the Case of David and Bathsheba Justify Adultery Today?
The Old Testament account of David and Bathsheba’s scandalous affair is a sad episode in history. Does their conduct serve as a precedent, justifying adulterous relationships today? Some appeal to it to that end. Wayne
Jackson addresses this issue in this month’s Feature.
Are Science and Faith Compatible?
Has the god of “Star Wars” replaced the God of the Bible in the minds of many?
A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers
Influenced by society, many are looking for New Testament authority for expanding the role of women in the body of Christ.
Who Is a Christian?
The appellation of “Christian” is widely used as a category of people. But who, in fact, is (and who is not) a Christian?
The Jesus Seminar – Part 1
A response to the Jesus Seminar propaganda, as featured by Peter Jennings on ABC’s special, In Search of Jesus
Back to Biblical Kindergarten
Some Christians have never graduated out of biblical kindergarten.
THE GOLDEN TEXT: A Study of John 3:16
John 3:16 is often called the “golden text” of the Bible. Many hold this passage very dear. Tragically, the text is more often than not misunderstood. In this study, we take a close look at this amazing passage.
Christianity and World Religions
The eastern mystic religions are growing in popularity. But are all religions created equal?
Is the Genesis Creation Account Poetry?
Some suggest that Genesis 1 and 2 are not literal accounts of actual history. Instead, much of the narrative is poetic, with elements of history embedded. But what does the evidence show?
6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
The Biblical Concept of “Time”
What is the biblical concept of time? In this article, we explore several ideas associated with time from a biblical perspective.
Praise the Lord – A Study of Ephesians 1:1-14
When we contemplate who God is, what he has done, and what we will be, we will know exactly for what we should praise.
God’s Great Plan Consummated
Can man know that God exists? Is humanity the result of divine creation, or merely the consequence of impersonal evolutionary forces?
Who Was the Good Samaritan?
The parable of the Good Samaritan has echoed down the corridors of time for the past 2,000 years. What makes it so memorable?
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship—Part 2
What is acceptable worship? This article is the second in a two-part series.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ
A comprehensive exposé of the Jehovah’s Witness denial of the deity of Jesus Christ.
Should Women Function as Translators in the Assembly?
A controversial question is whether women should be used as translators in the public worship assembly. Some, who would object to the modern practice of women leading public worship, have no problem in using a female translator. Others object to the practice. Carefully study this question with an open mind. Let God’s word be our guide during this study.
The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
All Things Work Together for Good: Controversy or Comfort?
Romans 8:28 has been a tremendous comfort to Christians for twenty centuries. In this article, Wayne Jackson does a textual study of this amazing passage.