Five Alleged Mistakes in the Bible
A recent writer for a radical online magazine charged that the Bible is mistaken regarding five Old Testament texts. As it turns out, the article is wrong—on all five counts!
Why I Don’t Believe in Miracles
This article is a response to professor Philip Hefner’s Newsweek article repudiating miracles.
Jesus Christ: Pioneer in Human Development
Parents need to reflect upon the example left by young Jesus, and direct their own offspring in a similar course of living.
Benevolent Work in the Mission Field
It is a wonderful thing when Christians rush to the assistance of others during times of disaster. But do we always think clearly about the way we implement these efforts? A word of caution surely is in order. One aspect of this issue is addressed in this week’s Penpoints column.
1 Thessalonians 4 – Hope in Christ
Study with us three important points from this passage.
The Elephant in Evolution’s Living Room
Scientists recognize the complexity of the human genetic code, yet they are afraid to attribute that design to a Creator.
Tutoring in the Shadow of Darwin
This article reviews the recent scholarship prize award by John N. Clayton.
Rich Nuggets in Romans 14:9
Tucked away in Romans 14:9 are some rich nuggets of truth that will enhance your faith.
6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
Examining the Four Gospels
Why are there four gospel accounts that cover so much of the same material? Are the records harmonious or do they conflict?
Ephesians 5:19 — Making Melody
Does this passage authorize the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship to God? Many erroneously contend that it does. Study this important issue with us.
Acts 26:8 – Can God Raise the Dead?
Does God have the ability to raise the dead? Paul affirms in his defense to Herod that he does.
The Biblical Concept of Atonement
In the biblical context, atonement has to do with the plan employed by the Lord to provide a way of salvation for sinful humanity by means of the redemptive mission of Christ. Study with us the basic facts.
Does the Bible Encourage Hatred?
Sometimes the Bible condemns hate. Sometimes it seems to encourage it.
What Does the Scripture Say?
How should one view the literature of the Bible? As a mere human production? Or as the inspired word of God? First it is imperative that the sincere student ascertain how the biblical writers themselves viewed their productions. That is the thrust of this month’s Feature article. Study with us.
Rachel’s Tears
Rachel, the wife of Jacob, died in connection with the birth of her child, Benjamin. Centuries later the apostle Matthew refers to Rachel as “weeping for her children.” This was in connection with Herod’s murder of the male babies in the region of Bethlehem. What was the connection? Let us explore this issue.
The Bapto Word-family in the Septuagint
A sincere Bible student feels that the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, provides evidence that the Greek term bapto may signify the actions of either sprinkling or pouring, as a baptismal rite. What does the evidence actually reveal?
Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation
Will There Be Personal Recognition in Heaven?
Will we recognize friends and loved ones in Heaven?
Was Matthew Mistaken in the “Nazarene” Prophecy?
Some allege that the apostle Matthew made a mistake when he attributed Jesus’ title, “Nazarene,” to Old Testament prophecy? Is there a possible solution to this enigma?