The Language of God
Dr. Francis Collins, a notable scientist specializing in the mapping of genes, has produced a new book, The Language of God. The following is a brief review of this work.
Is the Language of Genesis 1 Merely Metaphorical?
In an attempt to harmonize the biblical record with evolutionary chronology, some allege that the creation description of Genesis 1 is merely metaphorical. Such a position thrusts aside responsible interpretative procedure.
The Accuracy of the Book of Acts
Over the years, from time to time, critics direct their hostility at the book of Acts, attacking its credibility. Repeatedly, however, it has weathered the storm of criticism.
Christian and “Higher Education”, The
Youngsters who attend secular educational institutions frequently are confronted with seriously erroneous teachings. How do they deal with these dangerous situations? It doesn’t have to be a hostile encounter.
Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Biblical scholars have catalogued more than three hundred amazing prophecies that find precise fulfillment in the life and labor of the Son of God. One of these predictive declarations is found in Daniel 9:24-27, commonly referred to as the prophecy of “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks.”
Frankenstein Is Alive and Well!
Oh, they don’t call it murder. To these mad scientists, it’s just “embryo research.”
Cyrus the Great in Biblical Prophecy
A study of Cyrus the Great and his role in biblical prophecy
Luke’s Accuracy – Some “Unfinished Business”
Bible critics have charged that Luke 2:1-3 is rife with historical errors. Yet the following points more than vindicate the great historian.
What About That “a god” Translation in the Jehovah’s Witness Bible?
Why does the Jehovah’s Witness’ Bible render John 1:1 as, “the Word was a god”?
Does John 17:3 Negate the Deity of Christ?
A “Jehovah’s Witness” is upset at some of our articles that affirm the divine nature of Jesus Christ. He claims that John 17:3 negates the idea that Jesus is “God” in nature. This article responds to the gentleman’s charge.
In What Sense is Humanity in the Image of God?
The Bible speaks of humankind as being in the “image” of God (Gen. 1:26). In what sense is the term, “image,” employed in this text?
Is the Bible Obsolete?
Is the Bible obsolete since it was written so long ago and the world has changed so much?
Is Gambling a Moral Issue?
Is gambling a “moral” issue? Some suggest that it is not; it is merely a pragmatic issue.
Is the Shroud of Turin Real or Fake?
The controversy concerning the so-called “Shroud of Turin” comes and goes. Is this piece of cloth, so venerated by the Roman Catholic Church, really the burial shroud of Jesus?
I Was Sentenced to Death in the Electric Chair – A True Story
The following article is the true story of Clyde Thompson, once known as the “meanest man in Texas.” It wonderfully relates how the power of the gospel of Christ changed a vicious murderer into a great, soul-winning instrument of evangelism on behalf of men behind bars. This narrative was first published in a small tract (now out of print) distributed by Star Bible. It is reproduced here (with some slight editing and reformatting) for the benefit of our readers.
1 Chronicles 2:13-15 – Jesse’s Sons
Some may jump to the conclusion that the Bible contradicts itself with regard to Jesse’s sons. But such a conclusion is not necessary.
What About Baptism on the Day of Pentecost?
Some allege that some 3,000 people could not have been immersed on the day of Pentecost because: (a) There was not enough time for twelve apostles to accomplish that feat; (b) There was not enough water in Jerusalem to accommodate such a great multitude.
The Baptist Church: An Historical Perspective
I grew up among kindly people of the Baptist affiliation. My father’s family was of this persuasion. A more gracious, benevolent group of folks could scarcely have been found. It was heartbreaking, therefore, to eventually discover that the church of my ancestry was unknown to the New Testament.
A brief survey on worship as taught in the Bible.
Exploiting Human Weakness: A Look at Vice Taxation
Christians need to oppose wrong-doing on the basis of principle, rather than capitulating to compromising crumbs thrown to us from the tables of politicians.