Can a Christian Walk Away from God?
Many believe that a Christian can never be lost. But what does the Bible say?
John 3:8 – The Spirit Breathes
What is the correct interpretation of this widely misunderstood passage?
A Message from John
It is not an uncommon thing that a Bible verse, which seems so simple, can be so deep and brimming with meaning. Such surely is the case with the apostle John’s tender message in 1 John 2:1-2. In this week’s Penpoints, we contemplate this thrilling passage.
Judas Iscariot: From Apostle to Apostate
Known as a traitor, Judas also was counted among the apostles before his notorious betrayal of Christ.
JUSTIFICATION: By Faith or Works?
Is justification from sin by faith or works? Does it result from neither, one as opposed to the other, or both?
Did Jesus Confess that His Claims Were Untrue?
The charge is sometimes made that even Jesus confessed that his claim of being divine was not reliable. John 5:31 is appealed to in this regard. What is the meaning of that statement?
2 John 8 – The Reward of Labor
There is a type of work that is incorporated into the plan of redemption. Join us in the study of the apostle John’s reference to such work.
2 John 6 – The Nature of Love
There are three characteristics of love evident in the Apostle John’s inspired statement.
1 John 1:7 – The Cleansing Fountain
When the conditions God are happily met, one may be assured of the merciful pardon of Heaven.
Does the Grace in Ephesians 2:8-9 Exclude Baptism?
Many have been deceived into believing that grace by definition excludes obedience. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Ephesians 2:3 – By Nature Children of Wrath
Does this passage prove the Calvanistic doctrine of hereditary total depravity? Not in the least.
The Rescue of Christ — So-Called
A recently-published book, Rescuing Jesus from the Christians, seeks to throw the spotlight on some of the alleged “errors” in the beliefs and teaching of Jesus Christ. The fact is, Clayton Sullivan, the author, has revealed how very little he knows about Gospel history. Wayne Jackson briefly reviews this new volume.
John Shelby Spong: Anglican Nightmare
John Shelby Spong, a retired bishop of the Anglican Church, has made a career of being a rogue “priest” who assaults almost everything that is sacred within the Christian religion. His outrageous ideology has been an embarrassment to many of his Anglican kinsmen. This week’s Penpoints focuses upon some of Spong’s theological aberrations.
1 John 2:1 – The Advocate
Christ is our attorney, pleading our case before the Father. What a thrilling concept!
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
The Current Perversion of John 8:1-11
“He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” If there is one verse most folks have memorized, it is this one. But what does it really mean?
John 2:1ff – The Wine that Jesus Made
What was the nature of the product of Jesus’ first miracle at Cana?
What Is A Cappella Music?
Did the first-century Christians employ mechanical instruments of music in their worship of God? If so, where is the evidence of such? If not, why did they refrain from such when instruments were readily available in that era?
Matthew 11:3 – John Has Doubts
In Matthew 11:3, John the Immerser sends a message to Christ. Did his inquiry express doubt on his part?
An Abused Passage — 2 John 9
Both the liberal left and the radical right have seriously distorted 2 John 9 to support their causes. What does this passage mean, and how does it relate to modern religious controversy?